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Quote Ошибка-Q Решение-O Q:dropped due to slot reservation Q:Net_Send Packet error: WSAEINTR... Q:WARNING: CL_FlushEntityPacket Q:Cheating-Death is required on this server Q:Server is not responding Q:Bad server address Q:Your client.dll is different from server Q:Your CD-Key is invalid Q:Your HL cd-key already used,Try again later Q:Your .dll [cl_dllsclient.dll] differs from the servers’s Q:Connecting to cs.ducat.kz… Q:Server verification failed Secure Если с блоком Secure все верно, попробуйте изменить его на: Secure или на: Secure Could not connect to game server Q:VAC secure... Q:Sorry but your ping very large Q:Warning:Connection problem Q:Server used client (47) you client is (46) Q:Host_Error: UserMsg: Not Present on Client 56 Q:FATAL ERROR Q:You have disconected froom the server.reasin:Error
verifying STEAM userid tickey(server was unable to contact the
authentication server,35) Q:SZ_GetSpace: overflow on Strel0k Q:Your system has been modified. Q:Video mod warning. Failed to set video mod-resetting to defalts. Game will now restart with the new video settings.
Q:A connection the Steam VAC servers could not be made. for
troubleshooting network issues, pleas click the link below, и ссылка на
steampowered. Q:В HL2.exe обнаружена ошибка. datacahe.dll Q:Unable to get IFileSystem interface from filesystem factory Qisconnect: Error verifying STEAM UserID Ticket(server was unable to contact the authentication server, 35) Q:Conflicting Ports: Q:Firewall: Q:VIA KT133A motherboard chipset w/o proper 4-in-1 patch Q:This server is using newer protocol (x) that your client have (x) Q:Runtime error!... | |
Категория: Статьи | Добавил: aDDFury (13.02.2011) | |
Просмотров: 595 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
Всего комментариев: 0 | |